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美味乳酪味的乳酸菌+鈣片,設計口腔中咀嚼溶化後,容易吞服的藥片。1日3粒可攝取鈣300mg,維他命C 80mg,維他命D 5.0ug,乳酸菌30億個。




■紙箱尺寸:500 x 280 155mm

■紙箱數量:50pkg /箱





兒童乳酸菌鈣 咀嚼片 90片

價格自 ¥7,060
  • Suggested Retail Price within Japan: 1,078Yen/unit

    Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 10 units

    For purchasing "below 10 units" of each product, wholesale price will only applicable to an total order amount that over ¥25,000 Japanese Yen. Choose "offline payment" at check-out and leave us message for the exact quantity you want for each product.

    Selling route need to be approved by Maker. Please contact before purchase.

    Price negotiable based on the order quantity.


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